and requirements for eVective 241
and restoration of612 13
and tensions over 233
and trade unions 231 , 232 , 245
and HRM 128
core propositions of148 9
criticisms of140 2
impact of131 2
and managerial control:
Xexible approaches to130 1
high commitment management129 30,
139 40
high performance work systems 131
performance management 130
and psychological contract 128 , 142
breaches of 134 ,137 8
challenges posed by134 5
changing nature of133 4
communication of 136
deWnition of 133
employee characteristics136 7
idiosyncratic contracts134 5
impact on behavior135 6
organizational climate 135
presence of HR practices 137 ,138 40
relational contracts 134
role of132 5
transactional contracts 1334
violations of 134 ,137 8
worker well being138 40
and work organization155 7
and worker well being 131 , 132
criticisms of HRM140 2
presence of HR practices138 40
see alsoemployee voice systems
and contingent nature of 71
and rationale to49 50
employment management:
and industrial relations 22
and origins of HRM 21
Employment Managers Association 21
employment regulation, and growth of36 7
employment relations,seeindustrial relations
employment subsystems 210
and architectural perspective on215 16
and choice of 227
and diversity withinWrms212 13,215 16
tensions over 216
and externalization of labor 211 , 213
andXexibility 225
and globalization211 12,216 17, 227
research implications218 19
and increasing use of 211
factors inXuencing211 12
and inner/outer core division212 13
and justiWcation of 211
and knowledgeXows222 5, 227
research implications225 6
and location of critical knowledge 211
and psychological contract 213
and strategic direction219 21
research implications221 2
and structure of HR systems 213
ancillary knowledge 215
compulsory knowledge214 15
core knowledge213 14
idiosyncratic knowledge 215
impact of globalization 219
knowledgeXows224 6
strategic considerations219 20,221 2
and tensions over use of 211 ,226 7
employment systems:
and industrial relations approaches430 1
and national diVerences81 2
and organizational basis of 407
and varieties of capitalism approach82 3
see alsoemployment subsystems
empowerment, and motivational work
systems196 9
see alsoemployee voice systems
Engestrom, Y. 338
Engle, A. D. 517
Epstein, L. D. 200
Equal Opportunities Commission (UK) 254
equal opportunity and diversity
management 268 , 586
and beneWts of258 62
and best practices/strategies262 8
aYrmative action 266 ,308 9
cross national comparative studies267 8
diversity training 266
Wnancial competitiveness266 7
mentoring programs 266
organizational inclusion262 6
recruitment262 6
reducing discrimination 266
index 629