Oxford Handbook of Human Resource Management

(Steven Felgate) #1

and global HR strategy 490
alignment with business strategy499 501,
analytical framework for490 1,501 2
context of 491
corporate social responsibility498 9, 503
diVusion of preferred strategies494 6, 502 ,
519 20
economic/socio political context497 8
foreign direct investment492 3, 502
implementation503 4
international staYng 504
social capital 504
trade unions495 7,502 3
and growth and spread of489 90
and HRM510 11
and impact of 490
and international work assignments510 11
and terrorism/security concerns 522
Murnane, R. J. 434
Murphy, K. R. 306
Murray, B. C. 355
Murray, G. 416
Myers, C. 29 , 602
Myloni, B. 513 , 519

Nagarajan, A. 500
Nahapiet, J. 223 , 453
Naquin, S. S. 335
National Academy of Human Resources 605
National Advisory Group for Continuing
Education and Lifelong LEarning
(UK) 328
National Health Service (UK) 470
and management growth 476
and professional roles 477 , 482
National Institute for Economic and Social
Research 327
National Personnel Association 23
Naumann, S. E. 310
and HRM 24
and institutional setting 168
and New Public Management 479
networks, and knowledge workers457 8,460 3
Neuman, J. H. 313
Neumann, J. 137
Neumark, D. 237 , 241 , 308 , 408 , 409 , 535 n 1 ,
565 n 13

New Deal 26
new institutional economics 79
new institutionalism 166
and decision making174 5
and HRM173 4, 181
institutional theory and change175 7
and isomorphism173 4
and organization theory 117
New Public Management (NPM)
and changing organizational
structures478 80
and criticisms of 481
and employee voice 477
and executive agencies 479
and impact on management 476 8
and internal markets 479
and motivations behind 475
and outsourcing 479
and performance related pay477 8
and practices of 475
and privatization478 9
and professionals476 7
and public sector reform 470
and reluctance to use local discretion479 80
and resource utilization480 1
and target culture 481
New United Motors Manufacturing Inc 609
New Zealand, and New Public Management
(NPM) 475
Newell, S. 419
Newsome, K. 151 , 155
Newton, T. 120
Ng, K. Y. 518
Nijs, W. F. de 171
Nishii, L. 540
Niskanen, W. 472
Nitardy, C. N. 335
Niven, M. 21 , 22
Nobeoka, K. 461
Noble, D.266 7, 493
Nohria, N. 516
Nonaka, I. 223 , 463
non substitutability:
and competitive advantage98 9
and resources 90
Noon, M. 246
Noonan, L. E. 373
NordenXycht, A. von 613
Nordhaug, O. 333

index 645
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