methodology, and modeling HRM/performance
linkages (cont.)
and omitted variable bias560 2
and propensity scores562 3
and random measurement error557 9
and selection bias correction 564
and simple model of 553
and simultaneity567 72
and testing forWt573 5
and time precedence570 2
and two stage least squares567 9
and types of error552 3
Meyer, H. H. 350
Meyer, J. 102 , 129 , 168 , 173 , 397
Michel, J. G. 352 , 355
Michigan approach 169
micro human resource management
(MHRM)2 3
and research in 3
Miles, D. E. 312
Miles, R. E. 91 , 129 , 169 , 219 , 220
Milgrom, P. 84
Milkman, R. 130
Milkovich, G. T. 348 , 356 , 357 , 359 , 570
Mill, John Stuart 556
Miller, D. 92 , 310
Miller, F. B. 110
Milliken, F. J. 595 n 6
Mills, D. Q. 606
Mills, P. 431 , 433
Millward, N. 231 , 586
Milton, C. R. 603
Minbaeva, D. 516
Mintzberg, H. 192 , 457
Mir, A. H. 509 , 524
Miroshnik, V. 514 , 515
Mitchell, D. 38
Mitchell, W. 500
modularization, and production 438
Molander, C. 333
Moldoveanu, M. C. 450
Molina, D. J. 352
Monden, Y. 411
Moore, J. H. 177
Mor Barak, M. 256 ,257 8
Morgan, G. 111
Morgan, K. 408
Morgan, P. 115
Morgeson, F. P. 195 , 198 , 199 , 200 , 202
Morris, G. 471
Morris, T. 457
Morrison, D. 193
Morrison, E. 133 , 134 , 137
Mosakowski, E. 518
and cost eVectiveness 58
and incentive theory73 5
and motivational work systems196 9
and organizational justice 180
and pay form/system
incentive eVects346 9
sorting eVects349 50
and performance appraisal/
management375 6
see alsoincentives
motivational work systems196 9
Motowidlo, S. J. 303 , 305 , 306 , 309 , 310 , 312
Mounce, H. O. 112
Mounier, A. 159
Mount, M. K. 334
Mouvement des Entreprises de France 335
Moye, N. A. 198 , 200
Moynihan, D. 474
Moynihan, L. 154 , 443
Mueller, F. 6 , 59 , 456
multiculturalism, and diversity
management 256
multinational companies:
and cultural diversity 509 , 510 , 514 ,518 19
convergence divergence debate512 13
cultural intelligence 518
diversity management initiatives 520
employees in developing countries 523
expanded role of HRM managers521 2
future research on524 5
HRM practices519 20
HRM structure520 1
integrated approach to 516 , 525
knowledge sharing516 17
managerial competencies522 3
negative impact of514 15
performance appraisal/management 520
positive impact of515 16
recruitment/selection519 20
transnational teams517 18
universalistic assumptions523 4
and equal employment opportunity
policies254 5
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