Blood Empty-Heat
Clinical Manifestations
Sudden flooding outside the time of proper period or trickling for many days after the period,
blood fresh-red and rather watery, mental restlessness, feeling of heat in the evening, malar
flush, scanty-dark urine, dry stools.
Tongue: Red without coating.
Pulse: Floating-Empty.
Treatment Principle
Clear Empty-Heat, cool Blood, nourish Yin, stop bleeding.
General Prescription
KI-2 Rangu, LIV-3 Taichong, KI-5 Shuiquan, SP-1 Yinbai, SP-6 Sanyinjiao, SP-8 Diji, Ren-4
Guanyuan, L.I.-11 Quchi, SP-10 Xuehai. Reducing method except on Ren-4 which should be
- KI-2 and LIV-3 cool Blood. KI-2 also clears Empty-Heat.
- KI-5 cools Blood and stops bleeding from the uterus.
- SP-1 stops uterine bleeding.
- SP-6 cools Blood.
- SP-8 stops uterine bleeding.
- Ren-4 nourishes Yin.
- L.I.-11 and SP-10 cool Blood and stop bleeding.
Herbal Treatment