outlined in the "Discussion on Blood Syndromes" (Chapter 30):
Harmonize Blood
Stop bleeding: Xian He Cao
Eliminate stasis: Chuan Xiong
Calm Blood: Bai Shao, Sheng Di Huang
Nourish Blood: Dang Gui, Shu Di Huang
Treat the Root-cause of bleeding (Yang deficiency): XuDuan, Rou Gui
Astringe: Shan Zhu Yu
Treat Qi (raise Spleen-Qi): Huang Qi, Chai Hu,Sheng Ma.
This patient was treated with this formula (with slight variations) for 6
months, after which the period became much lighter and less painful.
Case History 32.2
Menorrhagia and Metrorrhagia: Kidney-Yang Deficiency-Female, Age 29
A 29-year-old woman had been suffering from constant uterine bleeding for 1 year. She bled
every day, with the bleeding getting heavier around the period at which time the blood became
dark with clots and she experienced period pain. During the other time of the month the bleeding
was like a daily trickle. Her other symptoms and signs included exhaustion, backache, dizziness,
tinnitus, slight night-sweating, feeling very cold, nocturia, blurred vision, numbness of the limbs
and poor memory.
Her tongue was Pale and with teethmarks. Her pulse was Choppy and Weak on the right-Rear
and left-Middle position.
Diagnosis This is a clear condition of deficiency of Kidneys and Liver with a
secondary stasis of Liver-Blood. The primary deficiency is that of
Kidney-Yang (as indicated by the Pale tongue) even though there is
some overlapping Kidney-Yin deficiency (night-sweating): in women,
an overlap of Kidney-Yang and Kidney-Yin deficiency is very common.
Treatment principle The treatment principle adopted was to tonify the Kidneys and nourish
and move Liver-Blood. She was treated with both acupuncture and
Acupuncture The acupuncture treatment included a selection of the following points:
LU-7 Lieque on the right and KI-6 Zhaohai on the left to open and
regulate the Directing Vessel.
ST-36 Zusanli and SP-6 Sanyinjiao to tonify Qi in general.