oppression of the chest.
- Huang Lian and Ban Xia are coordinated in this formula. Huang Lian is a bitter herb
used to make the Qi of the chest descend to relieve cough and breathlessness. Ban Xia is
a pungent herb to open up Qi in the chest and make it move. Besides this, Ban Xia will
resolve Phlegm and Huang Lian will help to resolve Phlegm by drying Dampness. - Gua Lou resolves Phlegm-Heat.
- Zhi Shi makes Qi descend in the chest and thus helps to resolve Phlegm.
These variations apply to both above formulae.
- If signs of injury of Lung-Yin are beginning to show add Mai Men Dong Tuber
Ophiopogonis japonici and Zhi Mu Radix Anemarrhenae asphodeloidis.
Patent Remedies
Qing Qi Hua Tan Wan
(Clearing Qi and Resolving Phlegm Pill)
This remedy has the same ingredients and indications as the above-mentioned decoction. This
pill is very useful for an acute chest infection following a cold or flu with a cough with profuse
yellow sputum, fever, some chest pain and thirst.
The tongue presentation appropriate to this remedy is a Red body with a sticky-yellow coating.
Qing Fei Yi Huo Pian
(Clearing the Lungs and Eliminating Fire Tablet)
Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae baicalensis
Shan Zhi Zi Fructus Gardeniae jasminoidis
Da Huang Rhizoma Rhei
Qian Hu Radix Peucedani
Ku Shen Radix Sophorae flavescentis
Tian Hua Fen Radix Trichosanthis
Jie Geng Radix Platycodi grandiflori