warm Spleen-Yang.
- Ren Shen and Bai Zhu tonify Spleen-Qi.
- Gan Jiang warms the Middle and expels internal Cold.
- Zhi Gan Cao both tonifies Spleen-Qi and harmonizes.
- In case of pronounced internal Cold symptoms (such as a more severe abdominal pain
and diarrhoea) add: Gao Liang Jiang Rhizoma Alpiniae officinari or Ding Xiang Flos
Patent Remedy
Li Zhong Wan
(Regulating the Centre Pill)
Gan Jiang Rhizoma Zingiberis officinalis
Bai Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis macrocephalae
Dang Shen Radix Codonopsis pilosulae
Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae uralensis
This remedy has the same ingredients and functions as the prescription of the same name.
The tongue presentation appropriate to this remedy is a Pale and wet body.
Kidney-Yang Deficiency
Clinical Manifestations
Extreme tiredness, exhaustion, listlessness, mental depression, lack of will-power, no desire to
go out, soreness of the lower back, frequent-pale urination, bright-white complexion, feeling of
cold, cold limbs especially legs, diarrhoea, weak knees, impotence in men, lack of sexual desire
in both men and women. In severe cases there might be oedema of the ankles.
Tongue: Pale, Swollen.