Thus urinary stones or sand derive from Dampness which is precipitated (like a crystal
formation) into solid stones under the condensing action of Heat.
From a Western medical perspective, urinary calculi are formed by the precipitation in
crystalline (stones) or granular (sand) form of acids present in the urine. These acids are uric
acid, oxalate or phosphates. Thus, different kinds of stones may be formed from different acids.
The main components may be calcium (as found in cheese and milk), oxalate (spinach and
rhubarb), uric acid (liver, kidney, fish-roe, and sardines) or phosphate (very widespread in many
Excessive Sexual Activity
Excessive sexual activity may weaken Kidney-Yin and lead to a concentration of urine which,
after years, may give rise to stones.
The excessive consumption of cheese, milk, spinach, rhubarb, liver, kidney, fish-roe and sardines
may all contribute to the formation of urinary stones.
Lack of Exercise
Lack of exercise leads to stagnation in the Lower Burner which may contribute to the formation
of stones.
Loss of Fluids
Persistent and long-standing loss of fluids from sweating in certain occupations can be a factor in
the formation of stones.
This is characterized by two conditions: a deficiency of Spleen and Kidneys, and Heat.
The deficient Spleen and Kidneys fail to transform fluids in the Lower Burner resulting in the
accumulation of Dampness. Heat, on the other hand, evaporates fluids and condenses Dampness
into stones or sand.