Clinical Manifestations
Acute Stage
Clinical manifestations depend on the location of the stones in the urinary tract. The main
symptom is pain. This is located in one loin, the lateral abdominal region, the groin or the urethra
depending on the location of the stone in the kidney, kidney-pelvis, ureter or urethra (Figure
The pain is of a colicky nature and is very intense, coming in waves. The patient is restless,
sweats and may look under shock.
Other manifestations include burning pain on micturition, interrupted flow of micturition,
frequency, urgency and blood in urine. The urine will be dark.
Other general symptoms and signs may include shivering, fever, thirst, lumbago and lassitude.
The tongue will have a thick-yellow coating with red spots on the root. The pulse will be Rapid
and Wiry on the left Rear position.
Chronic Stage
At the chronic stage, the stone is not moving in the urinary tract and therefore there is no colicky
pain. There are three conditions:
This is characterized by burning on urination, difficulty in micturition, dark urine, yellow-sticky
tongue coating on the root and a Rapid and Slippery pulse.
Kidney-Yin Deficiency
Repeated attacks of urinary-stones pain, dull ache in the back, dark urine, prickly pain in the
urethra on micturition, insomnia, dry mouth, night-sweating, Red tongue without coating and a
Floating-Empty pulse.
Kidney-Yang Deficiency
In long-standing cases Kidney-Yin deficiency may turn into Kidney-Yang deficiency. In this
case there would be a long history of repeated colicky attacks, a sore back, chilliness, depression,
exhaustion and a Weak-Deep pulse. If Kidney-Yang deficiency develops from Kidney-Yin
deficiency the tongue would not change from Red to Pale but stay Pale.