Kidney-Qi and may even induce sinking of Spleen-Qi: these two factors may lead to Qi or
Fatigue Painful-Urination Syndrome.
Having sex while the bladder is full and there is an urge to urinate may lead to Qi
Painful-Urination Syndrome (of the Excess type, i.e. from stagnation of Qi).
Finally, standing for long hours may both weaken Kidney-Qi and cause stagnation of Qi in the
Lower Burner causing Qi Painful-Urination Syndrome.
Western Differentiation
From a Western medical perspective Painful-Urination Syndrome may correspond to cystitis,
urethritis, prostatitis, urinary calculi or TB of the kidney.
Cystitis is probably the most common condition of the Painful-Urination Syndromes to be seen
by acupuncturists and herbalists. It consists of a bacterial infection of the bladder.
The main manifestations are frequency, dysuria, burning pain on micturition and tenderness in
the hypogastrium. The urine is darker than normal and has a strong odour. There may be blood
and, on microscopic examination, organisms.
Cystitis is more frequent in women, often induced by sexual intercourse, and infection is usually
due to Escherichia coli, although in a high number of patients no organism can be cultured from
the urine.
From a Chinese perspective, it often corresponds to Heat Painful-Urination Syndrome.
Urethritis consists in inflammation of the urethra. This condition is also more common in
women. Its main manifestations are a burning pain on urination and possibly cloudy urine.
From the point of view of Chinese medicine, it may manifest with symptoms corresponding to
Heat or Cloudy Painful-Urination Syndrome.