Emergency Medicine

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

40 Critical Care Emergencies


Loading dose

Paediatric infusion


Adult dose (70–80 kg)

range (< 30 kg)

Infusion pu

mp (IP)

Syringe driver


Dose per hour



e per hour


3–6 mg/kg

1–5 mg/kg/h

2500 mg in

1250 mg in

25 mg/mL

75–350 mg/h

3–15 mL/h


(0.5 mg/kg in shock)

100 mL water BP

50 mL water

Protect from light

BP Protect from light


0.1 mg/kg

0.05–0.1 mg/kg/h

100 mg in 100 mL.

50 mg in 50 mL.

1.0 mg/mL

4–8 mg/h

4–8 mL/h

Reconstitute in

Reconstitute in

water BP

water BP

Dilute in DS

Dilute in DS

AMI, acute

myocardial infarct; DS, dextrose saline, or any isotonic crystalloid; DVT, deep vein thro

mbosis; DW, 5% dextrose in water; IM, intra

muscular; IP, infusion pu

mp; IV, intravenous;


mean arterial pressure; NS, nor

mal saline; PE, pul

monary e

mbolus; VT, ventricular tachycardia; water BP, water for injection.

bStandard: use in E

mergency depart


aTransport: use for retrievals/interhospital transfers.Reproduced by kind per

mission of Associate Professor CT Myers, Director and Head, Depart

ment of E

mergency Medicine, The Prince Charles Hospital, Brisbane.
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