Web Design

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


FLVPlayback component, using, 234–235
folder path, 35
creating on servers, 327
naming, 15
Web pages in, 34
font-face property, using in CSS, 102–103
footers, preventing from floating, 155
adding check boxes to, 258–259
adding radio buttons to, 260–261
adding single-line text field to, 254–255
<button> tag, 266–267
clearing, 267
creating drop-down lists in, 262–263
<fieldset> tag, 268–269
<form> tag, 252–253
grouping related elements in, 268–269
<label> tag, 256–257
resizing text fields, 255
<textarea> tag, 264–265
using get method with, 253
using <input> tag for text fields, 254–255
using post method with, 253
using <select> tag with drop-down lists, 262
Frameset document type, 26–27
FTP (file transfer protocol)
? command, 323
cd <path> command, 323
commands, 323
dir command, 323
get <filename> command, 323
hash command, 323
lcd <path> command, 323
mget <*.extension> command, 323
mkdir <directoryname> command, 323
mput <*.extension> command, 323
put <filename> command, 323
using to publish sites, 322–323

GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) image format
described, 50
optimization, 52
and PNG features, 53

file structure, planning, 15
file transfer protocol (FTP). See FTP (file transfer protocol)
naming, 23
uploading with Dreamweaver, 326–327
Firefox browser, 6
choosing colors in, 77
comparing optimization settings, 81
creating buttons in, 76–79
creating images in, 77
drawing in, 78
export options, 81
modifying images in, 77
PNG format, 80
saving images for Web in, 80–81
trimming room on canvas, 79
Fireworks interface
document tabs, 74
menu bar, 74
panels, 74
preview options, 74
properties, 74
toolbox, 74
view options, 74
workspace switcher, 74
:first_line pseudo-element, using in CSS, 140–141
FLA format, explained, 230
Flash movie
adding to page in Dreamweaver, 231
publishing, 230
Flash Professional
Buttons, 227
Graphics, 227
Movie Clips, 227
preventing looping, 229
representing frames for tweens, 229
symbols supported by, 227
tweening process, 228
using to add Flash video, 234–235
using to create animation, 226–229
Flash video
adding using Flash Professional, 234–235
converting video to, 232–233
float problems, fixing, 156–157
float property, using in CSS layouts, 154–155

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