Web Design

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


correcting file path in, 37
using mailto: with, 42
.htm versus .html extension, 23
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
adding header rows in, 168–169
adding table sections, 170–171
attributes, 18
capitalization, 19
capitalization in, 21
changing bullet symbols, 173
colspan attribute, 166–167
container tags, 19
elements, 18
embedding JavaScript in, 210–211
empty tags, 19
finishing tags in, 89
and JavaScript, 209
<li> tag, 172–174
<meta> tags, 330–331
<ol> tag, 174–175
rowspan attribute, 166–167
setting size of images in, 89
spacing in, 21
<table> tag, 162–163
tags, 18, 20
tags required in, 21
<tbody> tag, 170–171
<td> tag, 168–169
<tfoot> tag, 170–171
<th> tag, 168–169
<thead> tag, 170
<ul> tag, 172–173
Web standards for, 240
whitespace, 19
versus XHTML, 19
HTML colors, 338–339
HTML forms
adding check boxes to, 258–259
adding radio buttons to, 260–261
adding single-line text field to, 254–255
<button> tag, 266–267
clearing, 267
creating drop-down lists in, 262–263
<fieldset> tag, 268–269
<form> tag, 252–253

GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program), 10
GoLive, 8
Google and PageRank, 328
Google Webmaster tools, using, 332–333
.gov domain, 321
Graphics Interchange Format (GIF)
described, 50
optimization, 52
and PNG features, 53
graphics programs
Aperture, 10
Corel Draw, 10
Fireworks, 10
GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program), 10
Illustrator, 10
Photoshop, 10
Photoshop Elements, 10
grids, using with images, 63

H.264, converting video to, 237
H1 headings, applying to Web pages, 29
<h1> tag, adding, 28–29
header rows, adding in HTML, 168–169
adding to Web pages, 28–29
changing size and fonts, 29
levels of, 29
using text-transform for, 115
hearing impairment, Web accessibility concerns, 242
height property, using in CSS, 158
hexadecimal counting system, 104
home page, returning, 35
HomeSite Web code-based tool, 9
bandwidth, 319
domain hosting, 318
e-mail services, 319
hard drive space, 319
server-side scripting features, 319
shared versus dedicated, 318
shopping for, 318
signing up with, 319
href attribute
adding # (pound sign) to, 40
applying, 36

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