image formats
AI, 86
choosing, 53
GIF, 50
JPEG, 50
PNG, 50
PSD, 64, 72, 190
image gallery, creating with jQuery, 222–223
image optimization
GIF, 52
JPEG, 52
PNG, 52
images. See also stock images
adding in Dreamweaver, 188–189
adding to Web pages, 88–89
applying “rule of thirds” to, 63
background-image property, 110–111
composing, 63
creating directory for, 15
cropping, 53
cropping in Photoshop, 62–63
cropping in Photoshop Elements, 70
displaying alternate text for, 91
editing in Photoshop Elements, 66–67
making accessible, 90–91
moving around, 65
opening for editing in Photoshop Elements, 66–67
organizing, 13
organizing in Photoshop Elements, 67
resizing in Dreamweaver, 189
resizing in Photoshop, 62–63
resizing in Photoshop Elements, 71
resolution, 53
rotating in Photoshop Elements, 69
royalty-free, 51, 55
saving for Web in Fireworks, 80–81
saving for Web in Illustrator, 86–87
saving for Web in Photoshop Elements, 72–73
saving for Web in Photoshop, 64–65
scaling, 53
sharing from Photoshop Elements, 67
using as links, 92–93
zooming out of, 65
<img> tag
applying, 88–91
replacing with image in Dreamweaver, 184
grouping related elements in, 268–269
<label> tag, 256–257
resizing text fields, 255
<textarea> tag, 264–265
using get method with, 253
using <input> tag for text fields, 254–255
using post method with, 253
using <select> tag with drop-down lists, 262
HTML5, adding video with, 236–237
http:// prefix, including, 34–35, 38
changing appearance of, 37
creating, 36–37
errors generated from, 37
within pages, 40–41
showing tool tips for, 46–47
using images as, 92–93
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). See HTML (Hypertext
Markup Language)
ID selector
applying, 41
applying in Dreamweaver, 199
versus class, 137
using in CSS, 136–137
using with pseudo-elements, 141
adding colors to Fill Color, 83
AI image format, 86
changing font properties, 83
creating logos in, 82–85
described, 10
Extrude & Bevel command, 84–85
removing excess canvas, 87
saving images for Web in, 86–87
Illustrator interface
artboard, 75
Bridge and window tools, 75
canvas, 75
Control bar, 75
document tabs, 75
menu bar, 75
panels, 75
toolbox, 75
workspace switcher, 75
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