3 In the Object ID controls, use the spinner to change the ID to 2 , then
click the Add button.
The number 2 appears in the Object ID list.
4 Activate the Camera01 viewport and drag the time slider to frame 33.
5 In the Effects rollout, click Update Scene to preview the result.
The radial blur is added to the image.
Animate the blur effect:
Finally, you will keyframe the values and interpolation of the Blur Radial Pixel
radius, so the particles fade out as they slow down toward the end of the
1 Open the Dope Sheet Editor again and in the Controller window, navigate
to the Render Effects > Blur entry. Expand its tracks, and click to highlight
Blur Radial Pixel Radius.
2 Turn on Add Keys on the Track View toolbar. In the Key window,
click to add keys at frames 0 and 11.
3 Right-click a Blur Radial Pixel Radius key. Give both these keys a value
of 0.0, and use stairstep interpolation between them.
4 Click to create a key at frame 18. Give it a value of 7.0,. Leave the
interpolation set to the default of Bezier.
592 | Chapter 4 Animation Tutorials