
(Brent) #1
5 Set another key at frame 100 with a value of 1.0.

6 Save your scene as myexplosion5.max. You can open
exploding_asteroid_final.max for comparison

Render the animation:

1 On the Rendering menu, choose Render Setup. Make sure that the
Common tab is displayed; click it if it isn't.

2 On the Common Parameters rollout, in the Time Output group, turn on
Active Time Segment: 0 to 100.
3 In the Render Output group, click the Files button. Name the output file
of the finished explosion myexplosion2.avi, and press Enter.
4 In the AVI File Compression Setup dialog, click OK.
5 Click Render at the bottom of the Render Setup dialog.
Or you can just play the provided movie exploding_asteroid_final.avi.

Adding Streaks with Radial Blur | 593
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