Adjust the material settings:
■ In the Blinn Basic Parameters rollout > Specular Highlights group, set both
Specular Level and Glossiness to 0.
This removes any shininess from the plane.
TIPTo set a numeric field to 0 , right-click the spinner next to the field.
Adjust the plane properties:
When using this mapping technique, you don’t want the invisible plane to
cast or receive shadows, so you'll turn off those attributes.
1 Select the plane in a viewport, then right-click and choose Object
Properties from the quad menu.
2 In the Object Properties dialog > Rendering Control group, turn off Receive
Shadows and Cast Shadows. Click OK.
View the results:
■ Play your animation.
The plane doesn’t move with the asteroid. That’s okay, because you need
the plane only at the point where the explosion occurs.
564 | Chapter 4 Animation Tutorials