
(Brent) #1
Synchronizing the Animated Maps

Here you’ll set the timing so the animated explosion doesn’t start until impact
occurs at frame 10.

Set the timing:
1 Go to Material Editor > Maps rollout, and select the Diffuse map button,
which is now identified as hercules.avi.
2 Open the Time rollout.

3 Change the Start Frame setting to 10.
4 In the End Condition group, choose Hold.

5 In the Material Editor toolbar, click Go Forward To Sibling to
navigate to the next map in the material. In this case, it’s the Opacity
6 Repeat steps 3 and 4 for the herculesm.avi opacity map.

7 Close the Material Editor.
8 Save your scene as myexplosion1.max.

Synchronizing the Animated Maps | 565
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