Excel for Marketing Managers

(Dana P.) #1
Demonstrating and Comparing Fractions with Charts

in Charts

c. Click Next to move to the Wizard’s Step 4. Choose to create the chart as
an object in the current sheet and click Finish.

  1. You will turn your attention back to the chart in a minute, but first you
    should hide some of the extraneous information on the worksheet.

a. Select the Value heading in B2. In the Formatting toolbar, there is a
Text Color icon. The icon contains the letter A over a small (usually red)
rectangle. Next to this icon is a dropdown arrow. Click the arrow to dis-
play a pallet of available colors. Choose white from the pallet.

Note that the color of the rectangle of the A icon is now white. You can
format additional cells to the same color by simply clicking on the icon.

Figure 230
data label

Figure 231
Choosing a color from the Text
Color icon
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