Bobbi Brown Makeup Manual: For Everyone from Beginner to Pro

(Marcin) #1

Wrong color

Add a layer of darker foundation or darker powder bronzer or face powder to balance the face color. Select the tone properly. Sometimes the skin needs yellow,
red, orange, or blue. The face color should match that of the body.

Color doesn’t match neck

Instead of lightening the face, darken the neck with warm bronzer.

Face has a lot of redness

Use a sheer coat of foundation, making sure the skin tone can be seen through it. Use bronzer lightly on the face, neck, and chest to blend.

Orange-peel texture coming through

First try a light moisturizer on your palms to warm it up. Then press it into the skin. Layer with more foundation. If this doesn’t work, take the foundation off.
Greatly hydrate the skin. Wait two minutes and change the foundation formula to work with the skin.

Pasty-looking skin

The color is too light. Check the color following the tips below.

Yellow-looking skin

The color is too dark. Recheck the color on the forehead and cheek. Switch to another color and correct with bronzer. Some women need to use two shades on
different parts of the face during different times of the year.

1 Swipe each shade to choose a color. Gently blend into skin. The correct color will look like your natural skin tone.

2 Check the color to be sure it matches the forehead.

3 Begin applying a small amount of foundation around the nose.

4 Blend the foundation upward into the hairline. Apply foundation all over or only to the parts that need it. Use your fingers to press the foundation into the skin to
fully blend.

5 Use a blemish stick after the foundation to cover red spots or blemishes.


Through my work as a makeup artist I’ve had the good fortune to travel around the world and meet women of diverse backgrounds. Through these travels I’ve

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