Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing The Art and Science of Nursing Care

(Barry) #1
a.The rate of language development is directly
correlated with the patient’s neurologic
competence and cognitive development.
b.Men and women possess similar communi-
cation styles.
c.Culture influences a person’s worldview
and relationships with the surrounding
environment, religion, time, and others.
d.Stereotypical perceptions of the patient,
derived from the patient’s occupation, help
the nurse understand the patient’s manner
of communicating.
e.A nurse performing a patient interview
should sit as close to the patient as possible
in order to obtain accurate information,
regardless of the patient’s sense of “private
f.Communication is influenced by the way
people value themselves, one another, and
the purpose of any human interaction.
6.Which of the following are qualities of a help-
ing relationship? (Select all that apply.)
a.The helping relationship occurs
b.The helping relationship is characterized by
an equal sharing of information.
c.The helping relationship is built on the
patient’s needs, not on those of the helping
d.A friendship must develop from an
effective helping relationship.
e.A helping relationship is dynamic.
f.A helping relationship is purposeful and
time limited.
7.Which of the following guidelines would most
likely help nurses improve their communications
with patients and achieve a more effective
helping relationship? (Select all that apply.)
a.The nurse should control the tone of his/her
voice so that it conveys exactly what is
b.The nurse should remain focused on the
topic at hand and not allow the patient to
diverge to another topic.
c.The nurse should make statements that are
as simple as possible, gearing conversation
to the patient’s level.
d.The nurse should feel free to use words that
might have different interpretations when
using the same language as the patient.

e.The nurse should never admit a lack
of knowledge to the patient to avoid under-
mining the patient’s confidence in the
helping relationship.
f.The nurse should take advantage of any
available opportunities to communicate
information to patients in routine caregiv-
ing situations.
8.Which of the following are recommended
techniques to help improve listening skills?
(Select all that apply.)
a.Sit with the patient in a comfortable
environment with arms and legs crossed
in a relaxed position.
b.Always maintain eye contact with the
patient in a face-to-face pose.
c.Use appropriate facial expressions and body
gestures to indicate that you are paying
attention to what the patient is saying.
d.Think before responding to the patient,
even if this creates a lull in the conversation.
e.Listen for themes in the patient’s comments.
f.If an action being performed does not allow
for conversation, pretend to listen to the
patient rather than interrupting the patient’s


1.The communication process is initiated based
on a(n).
2.When a doctor communicates with a nurse by
telephone to prescribe pain medication for a
patient, the telephone is considered to be the
of this communication.
3.A patient who verbally acknowledges
understanding of discharge instructions is
providing to the caregiver.
4.A patient who expresses anger at a diagnosis
by slamming a food tray on the table is using
5.When a nurse helps a patient achieve goals
that allow his/her human needs to be satisfied,
the nurse and patient are involved in a(n)


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