Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing The Art and Science of Nursing Care

(Barry) #1


Copyright © 2011 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing:

c.Short-term counseling
d.Professional counseling
7.When a patient says, “I don’t care if I get
better; I have nothing to live for, anyway,”
which type of counseling would be
a.Long-term counseling
b.Motivational counseling
c.Short-term counseling
d.Professional counseling
8.When teaching an adult patient how to con-
trol stress through relaxation techniques,
the nurse should consider which of the
following assumptions concerning adult
a.As an adult matures, his/her self-concept
becomes more dependent; therefore, this
patient must be made aware of the impor-
tance of reducing stress.
b.The adult learner is not as concerned with
the immediate usefulness of the material
being taught as he/she is with the quality
of the material.
c.As patients, adults are the least likely to re-
sist learning because of preconceived ideas
about the teaching/learning process.
d.The nurse should be able to draw from
the previous experience of the patient
to emphasize the importance of stress
9.Which of the following principles of
teaching–learning is an accurate guideline
for the nurse/teacher?
a.Patient teaching should occur independent
of the nursing process.
b.Past life experience should not be a factor
when helping patients assimilate new
c.The teaching–learning process can be facil-
itated by a helping relationship.
d.Planning learner objectives should be done
by the teacher alone.
10.When planning for learning, who must
decide who should be included in the
learning sessions?
a.The healthcare team
b.The doctor and nurse
c.The nurse and the patient
d.The patient and the patient’s family


Multiple Response Questions
Circle the letters that correspond to the best
answers for each question.
1.Which of the following is a Joint Commission
standard for patient and family education?
(Select all that apply.)
a.The patient and family are provided with
education that can enhance knowledge,
skills, and behaviors that are necessary to
benefit fully from the healthcare interven-
tions provided by the organization.
b.The organization recognizes the nurse and
other healthcare staff as the sole authority
on planning patient education.
c.The patient and family educational process
is interdisciplinary as appropriate to the
plan of care.
d.The organization plans and supports the
provision and coordination of patient and
family education activities and resources.
e.The patient and family receive standard
education regardless of the patient’s needs,
capabilities, and readiness.
f.Information about discharge instructions is
given to the patient, who in turn is respon-
sible for providing the information to the
organization or individual responsible for
the continuing care of the patient.
2.Which of the following statements accurately
reflect the aims of patient teaching and coun-
seling? (Select all that apply.)
a.Patient education influences patient behav-
ior while facilitating changes in the knowl-
edge, attitudes, and skills needed to
maintain and improve health.
b.Patient education is ongoing and
c.Patient education is standardized for
each knowledge deficit and can be used
interchangeably from patient to patient.
d.Patient education plans should be
developed to include only the nursing
staff and patient.
e.The basic purpose of teaching is to help
patients and families accept minimal func-
tioning and diminished quality of life.
f.Counseling provides the resources and sup-
port patients need to participate actively in

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