Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing The Art and Science of Nursing Care

(Barry) #1
3.Which of the following topics would most
likely be taught to a patient with the aim of
restoring health? (Select all that apply.)
a.Stress management
b.Patient and nurse’s expectations of one
c.Community resources
e.Orientation to treatment center and staff
f.The medical and nursing regimens and
how the patient can participate in care
4.Which of the following is an accurate descrip-
tion of the acronym TEACH? (Select all that
a.Turn to the doctor for support.
b.Educate the patient before treatment.
c.Act on every teaching moment.
d.Clarify often.
e.Help the patient cope when education fails.
f.Honor the patient as a partner in the
education process.
5.Which of the following statements accurately
reflect recommended steps of the teaching–
learning process? (Select all that apply.)
a.Use anticipatory guidance when assessing
learning needs and learning readiness.
b.Identify general, attainable, measurable,
and long-term goals for patient learning
when developing learning objectives.
c.Include group teaching and formal
teaching in every teaching plan.
d.Do not allow time constraints, schedules,
and the physical environment to influence
the choice of teaching strategies when
developing a teaching plan.
e.Formulate a verbal or written contract with
the patient.
f.Relate new learning material to the
patient’s past life experiences to help
him/her to assimilate new knowledge.
6.Which of the following statements accurately
describe the way developmental factors affect
patient learning? (Select all that apply.)
a.What people learn and how learning occurs
change according to developmental stages.
b.Emotional maturity and moral and spiritual
development do not affect a person’s learn-
ing processes.

c.School-aged children are capable of logical
reasoning and should be included in the
teaching–learning process whenever possible.
d.The cognitive processes of adolescents are
different from those of adults, so they
require different content and teaching
strategies for patient teaching.
e.As a person matures, his/her self-concept
is likely to move from independence to
f.Most adults’ orientation to learning is that
material should be useful immediately
rather than at some time in the future.
7.According to the health belief model, which of
the following are health beliefs that are critical
for enhanced patient motivation? (Select all
that apply.)
a.Patients do not view themselves as suscepti-
ble to the disease in question.
b.Patients view the disease as a serious threat.
c.Patients believe there are actions that will
help reduce the probability of contracting
the disease.
d.Patients believe that the threat of taking
actions against a disease is not as great as
the disease itself.
e.Patients believe that noncompliance is not
an option.
f.Patients believe that doing nothing is
preferable to painful treatments.


1.A nurse who counsels an overweight teenager
to eat a healthy diet and exercise daily is
practicing the aim of patient education of
2.When a nurse and patient establish a relation-
ship in which mutual respect and trust are
established, they have developed a(n)
3.A patient who describes how insulin injections
control diabetes has experienced learning by
using the domain of learning.
4.A patient who expresses a desire to control
binge eating and to return to eating a healthy


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