Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing The Art and Science of Nursing Care

(Barry) #1
7.When teaching a postoperative patient about
pain control, the nurse should consider
which of the following statements?
a.When giving pain medication p.r.n., the
patient should ask for the medication
when the pain becomes severe.
b.The nurse is responsible for ordering and
administering pain medications.
c.Medications for pain usually are given by
injection for the first few days or as long as
the patient is NPO.
d.Alternate pain control methods, such as
TENS and PCA, should not be used after
8.To prevent postoperative complications,
which of the following measures should be
taken after surgery?
a.The patient should be instructed to avoid
coughing if possible to minimize damage
to the incision.
b.The patient should take shallow breaths to
prevent collapse of the alveoli.
c.The patient should be instructed to do leg
exercises to increase venous return.
d.The patient should not be turned in bed
until the incision is no longer painful.
9.Which of the following is the most common
postanesthesia recovery emergency?
a.Respiratory obstruction
b.Cardiac distress
c.Wound infection
10.Mr. Fischer has returned to your unit after
cardiac surgery. Which of the following inter-
ventions would be appropriate to prevent car-
diovascular complications for him?
a.Position him in bed with pillows placed
under his knees to hasten venous return.
b.Keep him from ambulating until the day
after surgery.
c.Implement leg exercises and turn him in
bed every 2 hours.
d.Keep him cool and uncovered to prevent
elevated temperature.
11.Which of the following interventions should
be carried out by the nurse when a postopera-
tive patient is in shock?
a.Remove extra coverings on the patient to
keep temperature down.

b.Place the patient in a flat position with legs
elevated 45 degrees.
c.Do not administer any further medication.
d.Place the patient in the Trendelenburg or
“shock” position.
12.Which of the following is a recommended
physical preparation for a patient undergoing
a.Shave the area of the incision with a razor.
b.Empty the patient’s bowel of feces.
c.Do not allow the patient to eat or drink
anything for 8 to 12 hours before surgery.
d.Be sure the patient is well nourished and
13.Which of the following preoperative medica-
tions would be prescribed to decrease
pulmonary and oral secretions and prevent
a.Narcotic analgesics
c.Neuroleptanalgesic agents
d.Histamine-receptor antihistaminics
14.Which of the following positions would be
used in minimally invasive surgery of the
lower abdomen or pelvis?
a.Trendelenburg position
b.Sims’ position
c.Lithotomy position
d.Prone position
15.Which of the following would be an
appropriate reaction to a patient
experiencing pulmonary embolus?
a.Try to overhydrate the patient with fluids.
b.Instruct the patient to perform Valsalva’s
c.Place the patient in semi-Fowler’s position.
d.Assist the patient to ambulate every 2 to
3 hours.
16.Your postsurgical patient is experiencing
decreased lung sounds, dyspnea, cyanosis,
crackles, restlessness, and apprehension.
Which of the following conditions would
you diagnose?
c.Pulmonary embolus


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