Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing The Art and Science of Nursing Care

(Barry) #1


Multiple Response Questions
Circle the letters that correspond to the best
answers for each question.
1.Which of the following actions would be per-
formed in the postoperative phase of the peri-
operative period? (Select all that apply.)
a.The nurse prepares the patient for home
b.The physician informs the patient that
surgical intervention is necessary.
c.The patient is transferred to the recovery
d.The patient is admitted to the recovery
e.The patient begins to emerge from
f.The patient participates in a rehabilitation
program after surgery.
2.Which of the following examples of surgery
would be classified as surgical procedures
based on purpose? (Select all that apply.)
a.Control of hemorrhage
b.Breast biopsy
c.Cleft palate repair
f.Breast reconstruction
3.Regional anesthesia may be accomplished
through which of the following methods?
(Select all that apply.)
b.Spinal block
d.Oral route
e.Nerve block
f.Epidural block
4.Which of the following pieces of information
must be provided to a patient to obtain
informed consent? (Select all that apply.)
a.A description of the procedure or treatment,
along with potential alternative therapies
b.The name and qualifications of the nurse
providing perioperative care

c.The underlying disease process and its nat-
ural course
d.Explanation of the risks involved and how
often they occur
e.Explanation that a signed consent form is
binding and cannot be withdrawn
f.Customary insurance coverage for the
5.Which of the following statements accurately
describe the surgical risks related to the devel-
opmental stage of the patient? (Select all that
a.Infants are at a greater risk from surgery
than are middle-aged adults.
b.Infants experience a slower metabolism of
drugs that require renal biotransformation.
c.Muscle relaxants and narcotics have a
shorter duration of action in infants.
d.Older adults have decreased renal blood
flow and a reduced bladder capacity,
necessitating careful monitoring of fluid
and electrolyte status and input and
e.Older adults have an increased gastric pH
and require monitoring of nutritional
status during the perioperative period.
f.Older adults have an increased hepatic
blood flow, liver mass, and enzyme
function that prolongs the duration of
medication effects.
6.Which of the following statements accurately
describe how preexisting disease states affect
surgical risk? (Select all that apply.)
a.Cardiovascular diseases increase the risk for
dehydration after surgery.
b.Patients with respiratory disease may expe-
rience alterations in acid–base balance after
c.Kidney and liver diseases influence the
patient’s response to anesthesia.
d.Endocrine diseases increase the risk for
hyperglycemia after surgery.
e.Endocrine diseases increase the risk for slow
surgical wound healing.
f.Pulmonary disorders increase the risk for
hemorrhage and hypovolemic shock after


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