Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing The Art and Science of Nursing Care

(Barry) #1


Copyright © 2011 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing:

a.Imogene M. King
b.Madeline Leininger
c.Sister Callista Roy
d.Jean Watson
8.According to Levine’s theory of nursing, nurs-
ing practice should focus on which of the
a.The art and science of a human-to-human
care process with a spiritual dimension
b.The human and the complexity of his or
her relationships with the environment
c.The balance within an individual, specific
to the behavioral system, when illness
d.The variables affecting human response to
stressors, with primary concern for the total
9.Which of the following would best define the
environment in Orem’s self-care model?
a.Modern society’s values and expectations
b.All the patterns that exist external to the
c.The culture of each individual group, or
d.The healthcare system, including the nurse

Multiple Response Questions
Circle the letters that correspond to the best
answers for each question.
1.Which of the following statements regarding
quantitative research are accurate? (Select all
that apply.)
a.Basic research is designed to directly influ-
ence or improve clinical practice.
b.The types of quantitative research depend
on the level of current knowledge about a
research problem.
c.Data that researchers collect from subjects
are called variables.
d.A hypothesis is based on the independent
variables that the researcher finds.
e.Independent variables are the causes or
conditions that are manipulated or identi-
fied to determine the effects of the depend-
ent variable.
f.Instruments are the devices used to collect
and record data.

2.Which of the following are qualitative research
methods? (Select all that apply.)
b.Grounded theory
3.Which of the following are accurate guidelines
when using the quantitative research process?
(Select all that apply.)
a.State the research problem as a general
problem, as opposed to focusing narrowly
on the problem being studied.
b.Do not define the purpose of the study
until conclusions have been made.
c.Review related literature for information.
d.Formulate hypotheses and variables.
e.Select a research design that is loosely
determined and can be manipulated as
information is collected.
f.Collect and analyze data from various
sources, including people, literature,
documents, and findings.
4.Which of the following are types of quantita-
tive research? (Select all that apply.)
a.Exploratory research
b.Descriptive research
c.Correlational research
d.Outcome research
e.Experimental research
f.Evidence-based research
5.Which of the following statements are accurate
descriptions of nursing theorists and their cen-
tral themes? (Select all that apply.)
a.Hildegard Peplau: Nursing is a therapeutic,
interpersonal, and goal-oriented process.
b.Faye Abdullah: The patient is an individual
who requires help to reach independence.
c.Ernestine Weidenbach: Emphasis is on the
ill person in the healthcare setting; describes
detailed nursing skills and actions.
d.Martha Rogers: A focus on rehabilitation,
encompassing nursing’s autonomy in the
therapeutic use of cure and care.
e.Dorothea Orem: Self-care is a human need;
self-care deficits require nursing actions.

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