436 Chapter 24 – Introduction to DHTML
DHTML Examples
Web Design in a Nutshell, eMatter Edition
Style Changes
Once you’ve created your browser detection code, making changes to style sheets
is relatively simple. All you have to do is access a style property and change it:
document."style_name".visibility = "visible";
This line of script changes thevisibilityproperty of a Netscape 4.0 layer to
visible. Controlling the visibility of an element allows us to have pictures or text
appear on demand. The same line for Internet Explorer 4.0 looks like this:
document.all."style_name".style.visibility = "visible";
To execute either line of code depending upon the user’s browser, you would
wrap them in conditional statements like this:
if (isNet4)
document.hidden.visibility = "visible";
if (isIE4)
document.all.hidden.style.visibility = "visible";
The firstifstatement checks to see if the browser is Netscape 4; if it is, then the
Netscape 4.0-specific code between the curly brackets executes. The secondif
statement checks theisIE4variable. If that variable istruethen the Internet
Explorer 4.0-specific code between the curly brackets executes. In either case, the
visibility property of the style or element namedhidden is madevisible.
If you have a style sheet that looks like this:
<STYLE TYPE="text/css">
#hidden {position: relative; font: 12pt Times, serif;
visibility: hidden;}
You must specify thepositionattribute for a CSS object to be
accessed by JavaScript. In this case relative means the text
appears as positioned by traditional HTML. Designating the position
asabsolutewould put the text identified ashiddenin the upper
left corner of your browser.
The JavaScript code that accesses thehiddenobject and changes itsvisibility
property fromhidden tovisible would look like this:
<script language="Javascript1.2">
var isNet4, isIE4
// Variables that you reference for browser type.
// Begin the browser detection script.
if ( navigator.appVersion.substring(0, 1) >= 4)