A Complete Guide to Web Design

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
DHTML Examples 437


DHTML Examples

Web Design in a Nutshell, eMatter Edition

if ( navigator.appName == "Netscape" )
isNet4 = true;

if ( navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer" )
isIE4 = true;
// End the browser detection script.

// Function "show" checks for browser type, then executes the
// appropriatecode to change the "hidden" object’s visibility
// from hidden to visible.

function show()
if (isNet4)

document.hidden.visibility = "visible";
if (isIE4)
document.all.hidden.style.visibility = "visible";

The HTML looks like this:

<BODY BGCOLOR="ffffff" TEXT="000000">
We want some text to appear after this text has been loaded.
<SPAN ID="hidden">This could be used to further define or give
background information for web content</SPAN>

<A HREF=javascript:show()>Click here to make text appear.</A>

The SPAN tag identifies some text ashidden. Thetag executes the
show() function, which makes any HTML between the tags visible.


Creating motion with DHTML is similar to making a style change—JavaScript
accesses the position attributes of a CSS object and changes them. Changing an
object’s position incrementally by one or two pixels creates the illusion of move-
ment. In this example, animated text will move onto the browser window from left
to right.

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