A Complete Guide to Web Design

(やまだぃちぅ) #1


Web Design in a Nutshell, eMatter Edition


& (ampersand) in form name=value
pairs, 234

comment tags

for SSI commands, 253
for XSSI commands, 256

  • (asterisk) for frameset sizes, 213
    : (colon)
    pseudo-selectors (style sheets), 397
    style sheet declarations, 392

    (hash mark)

    for ID selectors, 397
    in pathnames, 134
    -Law (.au) file format, 336
    % (percent sign)
    color equivalents, 32, 304
    font sizes, 402
    percentage sizes for framesets, 213
    SSI time formats, 260
    table dimensions, 184

. (period)
in alternate text, 24
CLASS selectors, 397
.. for parent directory, 53
/ (slash)
encoding in URLs, 235
in URLs, 49, 51

3-D shading of horizontal rules, 149,
156, 497
8-bit character encodings, 458
8-bit indexed color, 266
8-bit palette images, 293
8-bit transparency, 296
16-bit character encodings, 459
16-bit displays, 304
24-bit color, 283

<a> tags, 130–135, 468
linking to audio files, 338, 343–344
linking to video files, 355
pseudo-classes with, 398
abbr attribute (<td>, <th>), 174, 484
<abbr> tags, 25, 468
abbreviations, denoting, 25
“above the fold” design, 23
absbottom, absmiddle values (align),
font sizes, 402
pathnames, 51–53
positioning (style sheets), 420
URLs, 133
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