A Complete Guide to Web Design

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

536 Index

Web Design in a Nutshell, eMatter Edition

absolute web page control, 20–23
frame resize, disabling, 216
frameset sizes, 213
table dimensions, 184
two-column layout (example), 199
style sheets
(see also cascading style sheets)
accept attribute, 484

tags, 227
tag, 229
accept-charset attribute (), 227,
242, 460, 484
accessibility, 23–26
internationalization, 458–463
accesskey attribute (), 131, 242, 484
AceFTP utility, 58
tags, 25, 468
acronyms, denoting, 25
action attribute (), 227, 234, 484
active hyperlink color, 135
active pseudo-class, 398
ActiveX controls (see embedding
objects in pages)
Adaptive filtering algorithm (PNG), 294
Adaptive Palette, 305, 310, 326
tags, 468
AfterEffects, 347
Illustrator, 308
ImageReady, 203, 267, 271, 311–313,
creating JPEG images, 286
creating PNG images, 300
GIF files, optimizing, 281
palettes, 305–307
OpenType technology, 453, 455–457
PDF, accessibility issues, 24
Photoshop, 267, 310–311
alpha channel, 273–277
CLUTs, creating, 308
color palettes, 306
creating JPEG images, 286, 288
creating PNG images, 298
dividing images into multiple files,
GIF files, optimizing, 279
palettes, 307
AfterEffects (Adobe), 347
AIFF (.aif, .aiff) file format, 336
aliasing, 270–271
align attribute, 484
<applet> tags, 146, 165
<caption> tags, 169
<col> tag, 169
<colgroup> tags, 170
<embed> tags, 147, 165, 340
<hr> tag, 149, 156
<iframe> tags, 208
<img> tag, 149, 160–162
<input type=image> tag, 229
<marquee> tag, 151
<object> tags, 152, 166
<spacer> tag, 154
<table> tags, 170, 183
<tbody> tags, 173
<td>, <th> tags, 173
<tfoot> tags, 175
<thead> tags, 175
<tr> tags, 176
centering in window (example), 196
CSS2 accessibility features for, 25
form elements, 244
graphics, 160–162
horizontal rules, 156
style sheet properties for, 405, 406,
tables, 177, 183
(see also positioning)
alink attribute (<body>), 92, 96, 135,
all value (clear attribute), 162
alpha channel, 273–277, 296, 298, 300
alt attribute, 485
<applet> tags, 146, 165
<embed> tags, 148, 165
<img> tag, 24, 25, 150, 159
alternative graphics text, 24, 25, 159
America Online browsers, 4, 286
ampersand (&) in form name=value
pairs, 234
Anarchie utility, 58
anchors (see <a> tags)
animation, 321–329
creating, 324–328
element motion with DHTML,
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