A Complete Guide to Web Design

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Index 537

Web Design in a Nutshell, eMatter Edition

GIF format for, 267
GIF87a vs. GIF89a formats, 265
Java applets (see Java applets)
multipart images in tables, 201
optimizing file size, 328–329
slide-show effect, 99
SMIL language, 448–449
Animation compressor, 351
Animation Shop tool, 324
announcement boxes (example), 196
anti-aliasing, 270–271
AOL browsers, 4, 286
Apache servers, 48
Apple “Fast Start” technology, 352
Apple QuickTime, 332, 334, 342, 344,
348, 351–352
Sorenson codec, 348, 351

tags, 146, 164, 372–373, 468
applets on web pages, 146, 164,
archive attribute, 486
tags, 132, 137–143, 157, 469
ASCII mode (FTP), 58
asterisk (*) for relative frameset sizes,
attributes, HTML (list), 483–510
deprecated, 512–514
audience, knowing your, 12
audio, 330–346
adding to HTML documents,
338–340, 343–345
background, 147, 340
copyright issues, 330–331
encoding, 333
file formats, 336
nonstreaming (static), 333–340
optimizing for download, 337
providing transcripts/descriptions, 24
SMIL language, 448–449
streaming, 333–335, 341–345
tools for, 331–332
(see also accessibility)
author value (), 101
Auto option (FTP utilities), 58
autoplay attribute (), 344, 357
autostart attribute (), 339
Average filtering algorithm (PNG), 294
AVI (.avi) file format, 353
axis attribute (, ), 174, 486
<b> tags, 469
audio, 147, 340
colors, 414
Flash movies, 363
GIF animation, 328
Shockwave movies, 369
tables, 186
(see also bgcolor attribute)
images/patterns, 414
positioning and scrolling, 415
tiling, 96
style sheet properties, 413–416
background attribute, 486
<body> tags, 92, 96
<table> tags, 171
<tr> tags, 176
<td>, <th> tags, 173
background property (CSS), 416
background-attachment property (CSS),
background-color property (CSS), 414
background-image property (CSS), 414
background-position property (CSS),
background-repeat property (CSS), 414
base attribute (<embed>), 364
<base> tag, 91, 95, 217, 469
<basefont> tag, 469
baseline height, text, 403
baseline value (align), 161
baseline value (valign), 184, 194
<bdo> tags, 462, 469
behavior attribute (<marquee>), 151
bgcolor attribute, 486
<body> tags, 92, 96
<embed> tags, 363, 369
<marquee> tag, 151
<table> tags, 171, 186, 198
<td>, <th> tags, 173, 186
<tr> tags, 176, 186
bgproperties attribute (<body>), 92
<bgsound> tags, 147, 340, 469
Bias Peak, 332
bi-directional opverride, 462
<big> tags, 469
binary mode (FTP), 58