A Complete Guide to Web Design

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

558 Index

Web Design in a Nutshell, eMatter Edition

vertical-align property (CSS), 405
vertical alignment (see alignment)
vertical rules (example), 196
vertical spacing (see margins;
positioning; vspace attribute;
video, 347–358
adding to HTML documents, 355–358
compression, 349–351
file formats, 351–353
Flash movies, 359–366
Shockwave, 366–370
SMIL language, 448–449
streaming, 353–355
tools for, 347–348
virtual attribute
flastmod command, 258
fsize command, 258
include command, 258
virtual includes (example), 253–254
virtual parameter (SSI), 254
virtual value (wrap), 240
visibility property (CSS), 421, 434
visibility, element (CSS), 421, 434
visited hyperlink color, 135
visited pseudo-class, 398
vlink attribute (), 92, 96, 135,
VML (Vector Markup Language), 450
volume attribute (), 339
VRML (Virtual Reality Markup
Language), 13
vspace attribute, 509

tags, 147, 165
tags, 148, 165, 340