A Complete Guide to Web Design

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Index 559

Web Design in a Nutshell, eMatter Edition

Web Palette, 16, 32, 78, 303–317, 326
color blenders, 315–317
color names vs., 78
converting to, 309
designing with web-safe colors,
tools for, 310–315
Web Schematics on the WWW, 450
Web Scrubber (Furbo Filters), 314
web servers, 47–63
configuring for Flash files, 362
configuring for Shockwave files, 368
software for, 48
Web Shift slider (ImageReady), 312
web sites
accessibility (see accessibility)
browser-aware designing, 9–13
display-aware designing, 14–27
documents for (see web pages)
knowing your audience, 12
purpose of, 13
rating (kid appropriateness), 101
testing, 13
Webable! site, 26
WebMonkey site, 13
WebSiteGarage utility, 11
WebSnap Adaptive Palette, 305
WebTV, 5, 7, 26
weight, font, 401
Weinman, Lynda, 309, 317
Which Browser site, 7
around graphics, 162
between table cells, 185
blocks of ( tags), 154, 157
encoding in URLs, 235
in filenames, 57
graphics for, 157
indentation in lists, 418
nonbreaking space, 190
padding, 409, 427
paragraph indentation, 407
in tables, removing, 188–190
text line/word/character spacing,
white-space property (CSS), 417
width attribute, 509

tags, 147, 165
tag, 169
<colgroup> tags, 170
<embed> tags, 148, 165, 339, 344,
357, 363
<hr> tag, 149, 155
<iframe> tags, 209
<img> tag, 151, 159–160
<marquee> tag, 152
<object> tags, 153, 166, 364
<spacer> tag, 154
<table> tags, 172, 184
<td>, <th> tags, 174, 185
(see also size)
width property (CSS), 412, 426
window object, 431
window, browser
centering object in (example), 196
frames (see frames)
live space considerations, 16–18
positioning in (see positioning)
resizable vs. fixed web pages, 19–23
status bar text, 136
targeting with links, 137
two-column layouts (example),
(see also browsers)
Windows OS and CSS, 518–526
windows, browser
opening with JavaScript, 380–382
status bar text, 381
word-spacing property (CSS), 404
working directory, determining, 56
wrap attribute (<textarea>), 233, 240
wrapping text
graphics and, 162
multiline text entry fields, 240
Wright, Matt, 247, 248
WS_FTP utility, 58

Xing Technologies’ Streamworks, 342,
XML (Extensible Markup Language),
examples of, 448–451
XSL (Extensible Style Language), 451
XSSI (Extended Server Side Includes),