hacker, 513
Half-Life, 44, 45, 128, 129, 169, 207, 212,
219, 369, 395, 400, 402, 452, 458
Half-Life 2, 460, 529
Halo, 4 , 129, 130, 202, 214, 240, 249, 252 ,
253, 297, 303, 374 , 460
Halo 2, 529
Hard Drivin’, 102
hard-core fans, as playtesters, 489
hard-core game players, 83, 193, 197, 247,
254, 294, 302-303, 486
hardware, 90, 93, 98, 102, 109-110, 452
hardwiring, 116-117
Harmonix, 526
Hasbro Interactive, 50
Haslam, Fred, 420
Hawks, Howard, 222
heads up display,seeHUD
headsets for multi-player games, 250
health display, 139
height-maps, editing, 399-400
“hell truly is other people,” 256
help, 130, 388, 429
Henry V, 278
hex checksums, 506
hex-grid, 258
hidden movement, 258
high-score table, 5, 60, 93, 145
Hindenburg, 424
hint books, 197
historical games, 7, 28, 34, 458
history vs. reality, 29-30, 34-35
Hitchcock, Alfred, 125, 328, 532
Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, The, 172,
175-176, 199
hit-driven business, 264
hobbies, 413, 434
Hobbit, The, 234
Hobbs, Ed, 323
Hodj ‘n’ Podj, 193 , 198
Hollywood system, 281-282
home market, 105
vs. coin-op market, 97, 103-104, 108,
111-112, 113
horror games, 51-52
hot keys, 134, 190, 393
hot seat play, 239-240
hub levels, 460
HUD, 137-139, 481
graphical, 138-139
overlays, 507
using text in, 139
human opponents, 5
hybrid games, 191, 192, 502, 505, 510
hyperlinks, 358
hypertext, 509
I Love Lucy, 188
Ico, 203, 348
icons, using on buttons, 139
id Software, 53, 298, 406, 510-511, 513-514
ideas, 40-41, 110, 199
brainstorming, 56
game, 18, 41-47, 88, 447-448
limitations of, 56
imagination, 190
imbalance, 154-155
imitation vs. innovation, 136
immersion, 12-13, 15-16, 51-52, 131, 136,
137-138, 241, 516, 528-529
Imp Lunches, 184-185, 487
impossible to master games, 60
improvisation, player, 481
inconsistency in design document, 358
Independent Games Festival, 178
Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine,
Indie Game Jam, 530
indoor vs. outdoor environments, 44, 50
infinite play, 59-60, 145
Infocom, 47, 137, 172, 173-191, 207, 217,
228, 230, 263, 487
authoring tool, 47
development system, 184, 187-188
Implementors’ Lunches, 184-185, 487
Infocom/Activision, 180-181
communicating to player, 136-138
concealing from player, 137
innovative controls, 135-136
input, 62-63, 131, 140, 231
input/output, 131-140, 387-388
Inside Mac Gamesmagazine, 320
Insomniac, 452
integrated gameplay, 508
intellectual property, 261
interaction, between player and game’s
creator, 533
experience, 210-211, 239
fiction, 172, 175
movies, 17, 208, 217, 220, 328
686 Index