SEO: Search Engine Optimization Bible

(Barré) #1
web links, sexual relations, disease transmission
(epidemiology), or airline routes.

Source code The basic code around which a pro-
gram or application is designed.

Spamdexing The process of spamming a search

Spiders Web crawlers that examine and index
web pages.

SQL search An alternative search module that
offers an advanced search operand; searching by
taxonomy term, user, and date; filtering within
results; and an advanced search page.

Static web pages Web pages that stay the same all
the time.

Stop words Forbidden words that will cause a
search engine to stop crawling your web site.

Submission tools Software applications that auto-
matically submit a web site to search engines and

Subset (data) A small portion of an overall group
of data.

Syntax The rules governing the construction of
search expressions in search engines and directories.

Table summary tags HTML tags that provide a
summary for a table in the event that it cannot be
tagged properly.

Targeted search engines Search engines that are
targeted to a specific audience.

Text delimited Excel files Excel files that retain
data formatting.

Throw-away domains Domains that are purchased
specifically for the purpose of having a referring
domain. When these domains are discovered, they
are deleted.

Tree search The process of searching data in a very
logical way.

User agent The client application used with a
particular network protocol; the phrase is most
commonly used in reference to those which access
the Web.

UTF–encoded See 8 bit UCS/Unicode
Transformation Format.

Viral content Content that is spread through a
self-replication viral-type process.

Viral marketing Marketing techniques that use
pre-existing social networks to produce increases
in brand awareness, through self-replicating viral
processes, analogous to the spread of pathological
and computer viruses.

Virtual include See Server-side include.

Web 2.0 A perceived second generation of web-
based communities and hosted services such as
social-networking sites, wikis, and folksonomies,
which aim to facilitate collaboration and sharing
between users.

Webmaster A person who designs and maintains
web sites.

WHOIS Information A database of information
that lists who owns what domain name on the web.

XML inclusion XML tags that tell a search crawler
what should be included in the crawler’s index for
that URL.



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