Governmental review (construction
documents), 614
Grant, Margo, 15, 73
Graphic databases, 619
Graphics, hierarchy of, 623
Grasser-Ross, Lynda, 424–425
Green architecture, 213–214
Green Building Rating System (of
LEED), 306, 314–317
Green Building Resource Center,
Green design (seeSustainable
Greenway Consulting, 75
Griswold, Heckel & Associates, Inc.
(GHK), 392, 420, 425–429
Gropius, Walter, 33
Gross income, 162
Grosvenor, Earl, 65
Grosvenor Estate, 275–278
Gutman, Robert, 353
Habitable space, 96
Haines, Michael, 420, 421
Halo effect, 415
Hammonds, Keith, 422–423
Hampton, Mark, 43
Hand drawings, 562
Handbood of Professional Practice
(AIA), 639
Harbour, Antony, 14
Hardy Holtzman Pfeiffer Architects
(HHPA), 603–611
Harvard Business School, 30, 31, 36
Hawthorne experiments, 30–31
Hazardous materials, 453
Headaches, 451
Health and safety:
codes, safety, 293
in design context, 474
legal issues related to, 451, 453–454
life safety, 21
Healthy buildings, 289, 292
Heavy metals, 302
Heerwagen, J., 341
Heidegger, Martin, 94
Heizler, Robert, 392–393
Herman Miller, Inc., 36, 37
Herman Miller Green House, 346,
Hermetically sealed buildings,
HHPA (seeHardy Holtzman Pfeiffer
Hierarchical management, 134
Hierarchical planning, 127–128
Hierarchy, design, 597
Hierarchy of graphics, 623
High performance glass, 290
High-performing teams, 202
Hill and Knowlton, 505
Hiring, 147
History of interior design, 27–46
Bauhaus concept in, 33–35
and connection to Internet, 57–58
intelligent interiors, 55–57, 59–61
international style in, 34
machine-age interiors, 51–52
networked interiors, 51–53
in new economy (seeNew
economy/old economy)
1900 to 1930, 28–31
1940 to 1950, 31, 33–35
1950 to 1960, 35–37
1960 to 1970, 37–38
1970 to 1980, 38–41
1980 to 1990, 41–43
1990 to 2000, 44
preindustrial interiors, 49–50
professional associations, 64–67,
Hitchcock, John Russell, 34
Holistic design, 13, 18, 241, 243
Horgen, Turid, 528
Hospitality clients, 563
How Buildings Learn(Stewart
Brand), 17
Howard County Economic
Development Authority, 420
HR (seeHuman resources (HR))
Hudnut, Joseph, 101
Human capital, 139–140 (See also
Human resources)
Human needs, 741–742
Human resources (HR), 145–159
benefits, 154–155
best practices in, 156–158
compensation, 152–154
employee manuals, 155–156
future trends in, 158–159
key issues in, 146–147
mentoring, 149
recruiting and hiring, 147–148
retaining “best and brightest,” 151
Humanism, 30–31
Humanist-architects, 20
HVB, 754–755
Hybrid teams, 22
Hypothesis, design, 331–332
IAQ (seeIndoor air quality)
IBD (seeInstitute of Business
IBM, 273, 354
IDC (Interior Designers of
Canada), 88
Ideas-driven firms, 176
IDEC (seeInterior Design
Educators Council)
Identity, company, 175–176, 271,
563, 565, 753–754
IDEP (seeInterior Design
Experience Program)
IFI (seeInternational Federation of
Interior Architects/Designers)
IFMA (seeInternational Facility
Management Association)
IIDA (seeInternational Interior
Design Association)
IIDA/E-Lab Report, 107, 109, 111,
118–119, 121
IIT (seeIllinois Institute of
Illinois, 438, 464
Illinois Institute of Technology, 35
Imperialist model of design, 364
Inatome, Rick, 423
Inc., 423
Income, 162
real estate costs and, 361
tracking, 164
Incubated companies, 420–421
Independent contractors, 430–432
Indirect measures, 334
Indoor air quality (IAQ), 285, 287
advisors for, on design team, 305
illnesses related to, 451
promoting, 313
responsibility for, 453–454
Indoor environmental quality,
302–307, 309–318
and bidding/construction, 311
design optimization for, 309–310
design team for, 304–305
information gathering for, 306–307,
post-occupancy issues with, 312
product resources for, 317–318
and rating systems, 314–317
and self-conscious design process,
304–307, 309–314
setting goals for, 305–306
specifications for, 310, 311
Industrial Revolution, 27, 29, 293
Information Age, 29
Information gathering:
for benchmarking, 405
for design process, 529
by sustainable design team,
306–307, 317–318
Information management, e-
commerce and, 260
Information technology (IT),
CAD systems, 254–255
and CAD systems, 259–260
CAD/CAM technology, 255
consultants, IT, 524, 525
and innovation in workplace
design, 269–271
software, 257–259
multimedia design/construction,
and translation among
representations, 248–253
and types of representations,
virtual design studios, 260–262
Initial adjacency diagrams, 572
communication and, 325, 327
technological, 15–16
Innovative officing, 391–396
as programming tool, 552
skills of, 235
Inscriptive design methods, 98
Inspections, 630
Installation (life-cycle issue), 298
Institute of British Architects, 20
Institute of Business Designers
(IBD), 69, 70, 173, 464
of contractors, 662
liability, 435
Insurance company case study
(POE), 418, 419
Intangible goals, 574
Integral planning, 13
Integrated design services, 67, 69
Integration, 241, 243
Intellectual stimulation, 755, 757
Intelligent interiors, 49, 55–56
control software in, 56
electronic sensors in, 55
and Internet connection, 57–58
new functions of, 59–61
robotic effectors in, 55
and supply and demand
relationships, 59
Interaction, modes of, 261–262
Interface Inc., 311
Interior architecture, 94
definitions of, 95
as educational model, 109–110
emerging models of, 104
Interior Architecture( John Kurtich
and Garret Eakin), 95
Interior decoration, interior design
vs., 5, 12
Interior design, 5–19, 21–23
architecture vs., 5–6, 11–12, 19, 94
bandwidth revolution’s effect on,
core services provided by, 367
cultural impact of, 14
definition of, 10–11, 81–82
education for (seeEducation,
interior design)
ethical issues in, 21
Florida’s definition of, 437
history of (seeHistory of interior
interior decoration vs., 5–6, 12
key environmental goals for, 291
licensing issues with, 6–7, 18–19
in new economy (seeNew
economy/old economy)
origin of, 5
as profession, 5–7, 10–11, 28, 81
professionalism in, 7, 9–10
specialty practices in (seeSpecialty
students’ expectations of, 115, 117
and sustainable design, 12–13
time-sensitive, 17–18
and workplace revolution, 14–16
(See also specific headings)
Interior Design Educators Council
(IDEC), 83, 103, 110, 469
Interior Design Experience Program
(IDEP), 90, 471–472
Interior Designers of Canada
(IDC), 88
Interiority, 94–95
Interiors PIA (AIA), 70–71
Internal project budget, 691–692
Internal streets, 270, 276
International design, 353–365
challenges for, 357, 359–360
and corporate strategy, 355–357
and cultural fluency, 363
and development of international
corporate real estate, 354–357
and diversity, 360–364
and standardization, 363–364
International Facility Management
Association (IFMA), 368, 371,
397, 424
International Federation of Interior
Architects/Designers (IFI), 71, 88
International Interior Design
Association Foundation (IIDAF),
107, 173
International Interior Design
Association (IIDA), 6, 7, 70,
74–75, 88, 104–107, 466–467
International Interior Design Asso-
ciation Research Summit, 100
International Society of Interior
Designers (ISID), 69–70, 464