Muay Thai Training Exercises

(Ben Green) #1

in the weight class best suited to you.
Find a balance of foods tailored to your requirements,
which depend on your athletic activities and the basic
needs of your body. The more you succeed with the
proper diet, the more success you’ll have in your training.
Be aware of what you eat, and pay attention to how the
body reacts to changes in your diet. The following
sections contain details on the established basics, which
you can use to plan your diet.

Nutrition Basics

The following guidelines outline what you should be

A High Proportion of Complex


The major part of your diet should be carbohydrates,
which are contained in, for example, potatoes, noodles,
and bread. Eat as many whole-grain products as possible.
As much as possible, stay away from the simple sugars
contained in sweet foods. The amount of carbohydrates
you need depends on your physical activities and training
targets. If you are satisɹed with your ratio of body fat and
you feel ɹt in training, you have found the appropriate
diet. If you want to reduce body fat, ɹrst try to cut down
on saturated fatty acids before you start reducing
carbohydrate intake.

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