Muay Thai Training Exercises

(Ben Green) #1

Low-Fat Protein Products

For your protein intake, eat low-fat products such as
cottage cheese, egg whites, tuna, and lean beef. Whey also
has a high proportion of protein and is low in fat. It is
sold as a powder in specialized ɹtness stores and in some
pharmacies. It is especially important to advanced athletes
for building muscle.

Minimize Saturated Fatty Acids

Try to keep to a low-fat diet. Saturated fatty acids should
be avoided, so stay away from sausages, fatty cheese and
meat, butter, and margarine, as they frequently contain a
lot of saturated fatty acids. You should also avoid
consuming the fats used in deep frying.
Simple unsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated
acids, however, are indispensable. Eat plenty of ɹsh and
nuts, and use high-quality oils such as sunɻower oil,
canola oil, and olive oil.

A Varied Diet

Food contains many diʃerent ingredients, and it’s
important to eat a varied diet. Eat fruit and vegetables on
a daily basis, and change the ones you eat. If that’s not
possible, or if you dislike eating large portions of
uncooked food, use vitamin and mineral food
supplements. You might also need these supplements
when you’re on an intensive training program or losing
weight. In these cases, make sure you’re getting vitamin C,

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