Muay Thai Training Exercises

(Ben Green) #1
your training goals. Beginners should only train at
the basic stamina intensity level in their ɹrst
sessions, as this type of training is less strenuous for
the body. Advanced athletes choose between the two
intensity levels and adapt their calorie consumption
and regeneration periods according to their
individual requirements.

4. Anaerobic Intensity

At the threshold between aerobic and anaerobic energy
generation, the body is trained to withstand more strain
for longer periods. In the process, the body partially gains
its energy anaerobically, meaning the body is unable to
acquire all the oxygen needed for energy conversion. The
body now primarily burns carbohydrates, which produces
the residual substance lactate, the base of lactic acid.
Lactate can’t be broken down quickly by the body. Once
the threshold between aerobic and anaerobic energy
generation is exceeded, like during a hard exchange of
blows in a Muay Thai ɹght, the production of lactic acid
will increase disproportionately. This causes hyperacidity,
and activity must stop after a short amount of time.
Health-oriented stamina training is not aimed at
training at this level of intensity. Professional athletes,
however, do some of their training sessions at this level,
which requires a solid stamina base. The heart rate drops
quickly after the strain, and training can continue.

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