Muay Thai Training Exercises

(Ben Green) #1

Determining and Controlling Training


First, you have to know your maximum heart rate before
you can determine the training heart rate best suited to
your stamina training. It is the basis of calculating
training intensity. The easiest way to determine your
maximum heart rate is to use the formula: Maximum heart
rate (MHR) = 220 – age

This method has been proven in many tests, but it may
be diʃerent for some individuals. Professional athletes
frequently use the maximum heart rate test, in which the
heart rate is pushed to its maximum during intense
activity. This could include, for example, a sprint up to
their personal performance limit. The test is not
recommended for ɹtness-oriented athletes, as the
unusually intensive strain runs a strong risk of injury.

MHR 220 – age

Regenerative training level about 65% of MHR

Basic stamina level about 75% of MHR

Fitness stamina level about 85% of MHR

Example for a thirty-year-old

Maximum heart rate per the formula: 220 – 30 = 190
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