Muay Thai Training Exercises

(Ben Green) #1

exercises in one set, start again with the first exercise.

Important Rules for Training

Take a stable starting position to allow you to fully
concentrate on executing the exercise. Tense your
abdominal muscles, the muscles from your shoulders
down your back, and the glutes, and keep your back
straight. Occasionally, check your starting position and
how you carry out the exercises in front of a mirror.
Concentrate on the muscles you are targeting in each
exercise, and be aware of how they move during the
exercise. The target muscles must remain active during the
entire exercise. In a pull-up, for example, don’t relax your
arms, but keep them tensed in a slightly bent posture. Do
the exercises in slow, even movements, and focus on
correct execution; the goal of strength training is eʃective
training of the muscles. For jumping exercises, move
slowly into the jump position, and only from there should
you move quickly in the jump. Avoid gaining momentum
and also taking evasive action using other muscle groups.
If your movements are jerky or you twist your body, you
might be able to do one extra repetition, but there will be
no beneɹt to training your muscles; moving incorrectly
will only help you complete the exercise.
These exercises can strain and exhaust the body. If you
feel pain, take a break. If the pain recedes in the resting
state, think about the underlying reason for it and try to
repeat the exercise. Stop the exercise if the same pain
occurs again and continue with the next thing in your

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