Muay Thai Training Exercises

(Ben Green) #1

training plan. If the pain doesn’t subside while resting,
end the training session and contact a doctor.
Exercises for the left and right sides of the body should
always be done at the same intensity; make sure your
training is balanced, and integrate all the large muscle
groups into your training program.


It is better to do the exercises at a fairly slow pace with
steady breathing. Don’t interrupt the rhythm of your
breathing, as this leads to insuɽcient oxygen intake and
considerable health risks. If you do rapid exercises at high
intensity, breathe in on the way down and breathe out in
the exertion phase when stretching or straightening up.
Continue with the same breath rate in all repetitions. If
you hold the ending position for some seconds, make sure
you are breathing consciously.

Execution of the Exercise

Take the starting position and do the exercise based on
the instructions provided. Do the number of repetitions
indicated for your performance level. Choose an intensity
level where you are able to perform the repetitions
technically correctly and without taking any wrong
positions or compensating movements. Even though an
exercise is described for only one side of the body, always
strengthen both sides.

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