Muay Thai Training Exercises

(Ben Green) #1

Can you describe Saiyok’s ɹght style? What do
you look for in his training?

Saiyok’s ɹght style features swift action with a lot of
combinations. He frequently uses powerful
techniques such as knee kicks, elbows, or straight
punches to try to get a knockout. Saiyok is already
very quick and strong. He must learn not only to
ɹght in his own style but to react better to an
opponent’s style. Speciɹcally, he must improve his
knowledge of foreign ɹghters and learn how to use
his skills against their styles.

Can you describe Nonsai’s ɹght style? What do
you look for in his training?

Nonsai is a ɹghter with powerful punches and knee
kicks, and he has a very powerful physique. He has
to do plenty of running to strengthen his leg
muscles. We conduct his training so that the impact
of his punches and kicks is as hard as possible. Our
objective is to improve his speed, as he still has
potential in this area.

Can you describe Armin’s ɹght style? What do
you look for in his training?

Armin is a spectacular ɹghter and uses several
traditional Muay Thai Boran techniques. It’s not

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