Muay Thai Training Exercises

(Ben Green) #1

diɽcult to train him. It’s important for him to
improve his technique and his feeling for distance.
Furthermore, he must always continue to train in his
trademark ɻying techniques. Master Deycha shows
Armin traditional techniques, which he adds to his

How do you instruct your boxers to organize the
days leading up to a competition?

The athletes undergo two days of very hard training
before the intensity is reduced in the last week. They
initially have four days of light training, and in the
last three days they only concentrate on
shadowboxing to become aware of ɹght tactics. In
addition, they use the time to reduce their weight
and for massages.

What diet do you recommend for the athletes?
What’s your opinion on performance-enhancing

With respect to nutrition, I focus on the daily
consumption of beef, rice, and vegetables. Beef is
important as it strengthens the body. Soy milk can
be used as an extra source of protein. Athletes must
drink plenty of water and very little alcohol, and in
the last three weeks before a ɹght, they have to

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