Muay Thai Training Exercises

(Ben Green) #1

career. Never let yourself be distracted from your
goals. If it’s possible to train like a Thai student, that
will be of great value. I recommend that the readers
come to Thailand for training, so that they get to
know the style of training here and the Thai
lifestyle. It’s best to eat what Thai ɹghters eat, adopt
the same intensive training techniques, and leave
sufficient time for regeneration.

Would you like to say anything else to the
readers of this book?

I advise careful study of this book and to read it
time and again. You must take time to learn Muay
Thai. It’s not unusual that the learning process takes
ɹve to ten years. Some individuals require one year,
others ɹve or ten years before they become skilled
Thai boxers. Each individual is diʃerent, and each
has other talents and preconditions. Training should
not be done excessively but should be enjoyed while
not losing sight of your goals.

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