Muay Thai Training Exercises

(Ben Green) #1

abstain completely. Soft drinks are acceptable as
they refresh the athlete. I don’t like the idea of

What are your plans for the future in Muay Thai?

I want my athletes to grow even stronger, and for
the entire training group in our gym to improve. The
athletes compete in many countries and visit many
gyms, where they are introduced to new ideas that
we can use in our training here. I would like to
continue improving our repertoire of techniques.
We would like to add Muay Thai Boran techniques
and also elements of the European ɹght style. I want
my boxers to adopt a variable ɹght style. They
should always be able to change their style to
surprise and unsettle their opponents. I would like
to spend the next ten to twenty years in Bangkok
training ɹghters. After that, I’d like to return to my
home province, Ubon, and manage a small gym there
for young athletes. Muay Thai means a lot to me,
and that is why I will always remain connected to it.

What is important to become a successful fighter?

The most important things are perseverance and the
motivation to do intensive training. You must
believe in yourself and keep on working on your

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