Muay Thai Training Exercises

(Ben Green) #1

known moves. They enable Muay Thai boxers to improve
their conduct in a ɹght and to combine defense and
counters at the same time. The techniques are taught
somewhat diʃerently by diʃerent trainers, which is why
you will see various modes of execution. You can ɹnd a
detailed account of the ɹfteen Mae Mai techniques in the
book Muay Thai Counter Techniques (2013).
There are many more techniques originating from Muay
Thai Boran, but they are taught only by a few trainers in
Thailand. Generally speaking, you should only begin
training in the historic techniques after you’ve gained
extensive experience in Muay Thai. In your eʃorts to
become a skilled ɹghter, it’s not necessary to train in all
possible techniques that you become aware of in the
course of your Muay Thai career. Many of the current
Thai champions are unable to perform most of them. It’s
suɽcient to learn about the historic techniques and to
use those that are easily understood and correspond to
your individual talents.

Important Tips: Training in


To become a Thai boxer with special skills, you have
to train conscientiously. You also have to work
continuously on your repertoire of techniques by
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