Muay Thai Training Exercises

(Ben Green) #1

testing and adding new techniques. You must also
optimize technical details, adapt them to your
individual skills, and learn them in such a way that
they contribute to your conduct in an intensive

You will often meet Thai boxers with only a few
years or even a few months of training who are
convinced they have mastered it all. You will also
meet former ɹghters who have had athletic success
with their individual skills and are now very much
convinced of their Muay Thai skills. A Muay Thai
boxer is free to choose the route best suited to him
or her. Still, you can improve so many aspects of
your training if you train conscientiously and
question your own performance. Even an
experienced Thai boxer can work on ɹne-tuning the
basic techniques time and again. The straight punch,
for example, is taught in most schools in a uniform
way, but you can still work on its technical details,
such as shifting your weight, the conscious use of
your shoulder and trunk muscles, stability, the
energy from the heel of your rear foot, and the
impact of your fist.

For counter training, you should ɹrst select a few
techniques and study them. Train in them time and
again and add new techniques to your repertoire so
that you learn by heart the moves against all
possible attacks by an opponent. Repeat some of the

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