Body Language

(WallPaper) #1

Sit in a hotel lobby or at a bar and Eyebrow Flash everyone who passes by.
You find that most people return the Flash and smile. Who knows, they may
even come over and talk to you.

Raised eyebrows don’t always mean recognition, however. They can also
mean the following:

Agreement:When you agree with what someone is saying, you use the
same gesture you use when you greet someone, the Eyebrow Flash.
Surprise and fear:If you’re surprised or scared, your eyebrows rise and
stay in that position until the moment has passed.

Widening your eyes..............................................................................

The next time you get the chance, take a look at a baby’s eyes. Notice that
they’re disproportionately large relative to the rest of its face. Unconsciously
you respond to large eyes in a protective and nurturing manner. Large eyes
make a person look more appealing, as any Hollywood starlet knows. Women
create the look of submission by plucking their eyebrows to make the eyes
appear larger. They then raise their eyebrows and eyelids, an action that par-
ticularly appeals to men. When a woman demonstrates submissiveness by
widening her eyes no man in her immediate vicinity stands a chance. His
brain releases hormones stimulating his desire to protect and defend her.

If you want to appear innocent and attentive, open your eyes larger than their
normal size. Unless the person being gazed at is aware of what you’re doing,
they’re charmed by your likable appearance.

My daughter Kristina has big green eyes. And she knows how to use them. I
have observed her with her boyfriends, her father, and even her brother and
am amazed and impressed at how she naturally and unconsciously uses her
eyes to appeal to the men in her life. When she wants help, be it with her home-
work or getting her car started on a cold winter’s morning, she opens her
eyes wide, raises her eyebrows, dips her head, and by gosh, she gets what
she wants!

You can make your eyes appear larger by raising your brows and lowering
your lids, a technique that Marilyn Monroe used to maximum effect. (Sharon
Stone’s pretty good at adopting this pose, too.) Men would, and still do, go
weak at the knees when they look at photos of her with her lowered eyelids
and raised eyebrows. People respond to this gesture because by maximising
the space between the eyelid and the eyebrow the eyes appear larger, giving
an innocent, sexy, and mysterious or secretive look (see Figure 5-4).

Chapter 5: The Eyes Have It 89

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