Body Language

(WallPaper) #1

Entwining your legs............................................................................

Some gestures are particular to men and others are particular to women. The
leg twine in which the top of one foot locks itself around the other leg is used
almost exclusively by women. This position highlights insecurity and resem-
bles a tortoise in retreat.

If you want to unlock a woman from the entwined leg position take a friendly
and low-key approach to her in order to get her to open up.

Fran was asked by her History of Art university lecturer to stand in front of
the lecture hall and discuss the latest assignment. Being uncertain of what
was expected of her, she stood in front of the class of 120 students, with one
foot drawn up behind her supporting leg and pressed against her calf.
Although she was confident about her knowledge of the material, she felt shy
and timid speaking in front of such a large group of people, many of whom
she didn’t know. When she realised how she was standing, she placed both
feet firmly under her and found that she felt more confident and secure, and
was able to speak with authority and assurance.

Research shows that the body reflects the mind’s state. Studies show that
people meeting in a group for the first time usually stand with their arms and
legs in the crossed position. As rapport develops and they become more
comfortable with one another they release the closed pose, and open up
their bodies. The procedure follows a predictable pattern that entails
uncrossing their legs first and placing their feet in the parallel pose. The arms
and hands unfold, and become animate. When the people feel comfortable
and at ease they move from the parallel stance to an open position in which
the feet are slightly apart and facing the other person. Similarly, indicators of
someone who has withdrawn from the conversation are crossed arms and
legs. A person sitting in this position is unlikely to be convinced by anything
you may say or do.

172 Part III: The Trunk: Limbs and Roots

Preening and posing

From the Middle Ages to the middle of the 19th
century, men of elevated position and high
social status adopted a stance which conve-
niently displayed the inner part of the leg – one
of the body’s erotic zones. Gentlemen and
posers would bear their weight on one leg, pre-
senting the other with the inner thigh facing.
The fashion designs that saw men’s dress move
from hose to tight breeches accessorised with

fine shoes, permitted and encouraged men to
indulge their desire to preen and pose, showing
off their legs and their masculinity. Today, red-
carpet celebrities know how to position their
legs to display them to their best advantage,
turning their feet outward to reveal their inner
thighs, the softer and most erogenous part of
their legs.
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